Operation World Peace

Many Ideas for World Peace

What to do in a Psychiatry Ward

February 12th, 2025 (Update)

Keep in mind that much of the staff is evil and/or blackmailed by evil people. The psych ward staff is composed of for-profit professional gaslighters.

Write down and memorize everyone’s names.

Write down and memorize descriptions of everyone’s appearances. Height, weight, hair color, race, ethnicity, tattoos, scars, birthmarks, freckles, eye color, accents, mannerisms, etc.

Write down and memorize where the exits and cameras are located.

They will also often pressure you to take sleeping pills by shining a light into your face every 15 minutes to keep you awake. If you take the sleeping pills they will try and get you to talk in your sleep in an attempt to learn your secrets and blackmail you.

If you take the sleeping pills there is a real good chance the staff might rape you without your knowledge and you won’t remember it. They will start by shining a flashlight in your face every 15 minutes to see when the sleeping pills (also known as date rape drugs) go into effect. They will also “accidentally” make loud noises to keep you awake and/or to be sure the drugs are fully in effect before they attempt anything sinister. Besides the staff raping patients they will also often try and frame the patients in compromised situations.

In summary the psychiatrist’s sleeping pills (aka date rape drugs) are used to learn your secrets and blackmail you, and/or to rape you, and/or to frame you.

Many of the games and activities are designed to learn details and secrets about you. Such as where your from, where you live, where you hangout, what annoys you, what makes you lose your temper, your political views, your security questions for passwords. For example favorite restaurant, favorite color. Say as little personal information as possible.

Try and get out as fast as possible. Get someone on the outside to get a lawyer for you. Read off the names and descriptions that you listed to someone on the outside over the phone and have them write down a copy.

Try not to take any of their drugs. If you are forced to take the drugs try and take as little as possible. The worst drug that you need to avoid like your life depends on it is Risperdal and Risperidone!

Long-term Effects of Antipsychotics on the Brain


This is my best idea ever on how to fight back against evil: