Operation World Peace

Many Ideas for World Peace

Instructions For How To Quit Drugs

January 8th, 2025 (Update)

Instructions on how to safely quit using many (but not all) drugs:

If you or someone you care about is addicted to drugs and they feel sick when they try and quit abruptly: You should find the EXACT same drug and give them the drug in slowly reduced doses.

If you can’t find the exact same drug find the drug most similar to it and slowly reduce the dose. Try and minimize cycling/changing between the different drugs because this will cause withdrawal symptoms combined with symptoms of adjusting to new drugs.

If they are addicted to multiple different drugs then you want to reduce one drug at a time slowly.

If they are on a bad addictive drug for a short amount of time and they aren’t physically addicted to the drug yet, then you don’t want to slowly reduce the dose. What you want to do is get the drug out of them as fast as possible. Try to flush the drug out as fast as possible. Some ways to do this that I can think of that I’m not 100% sure about are IV fluids, blood transfusions, detox formulas, niacin, exercise, juice cleanses, saunas, etc.

Slowly reducing the drug dosages of the EXACT same drug for long term addicts is better than quitting all at once for most addictive drugs. This is especially for withdrawing long term addicts from Opiates such Fentanyl, Heroin, Vicodin, Oxycodone. This is also especially for long term addicts of Benzodiazepines. This is also especially true for Tranquilizers. This is also especially true of long term Alcoholics. This is also especially true for long term addicts of psychiatric drugs such antipsychotics, antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping drugs, and painkillers.

However, the strategy of slowly reducing the dosages for long term addicts might not apply for stimulants to the same extent as the previously listed class of drugs above. It might be more beneficial to flush the stimulant drugs quickly out of the addict’s bodies of long term addicts rather than gradually reducing the dosage. If in doubt ask the addict which method they would prefer: Quitting all at once or slowly gradually reducing the dosage.

If you are a law enforcement officer and/or intelligence officer and you come across a stash of addictive drugs. Instead of destroying the drugs, you should give the drugs to the drug rehabilitation centers. Instruct the rehab workers to give the addicts who were addicted for longer than one month the EXACT same drugs that the addicts are addicted to in slowly reduced doses.

A way to convince the drug addicts to join the rehabilitation programs is to promise the addicts free drugs in slowly reduced doses!

If this was beneficial to you or anyone you care about you should help me in some significant way and/or help someone good in some way, and/or help someone with morals similar to mine in some way.

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